« A Town Called Malice »: A jump into the 80’s

Released in March 2023, this series perfectly embodies the richness and dark parts of the 80s. Shot in Tenerife under absolutely incredible sets, a Town Called Malice tells the story of an English family who came to relocate their business to the Costa del Sol. We find Yassine Fadel in the role of Metin, aLire la suite « « A Town Called Malice »: A jump into the 80’s »

« All my friends are dead » , a polish Netflix movie with a little belgian touch

Written by Le Metro Belgique on 6th March 2020,  » All my friends are dead : une comédie polonaise sanglante… et un peu Belge » After a very difficult year, whether artistically or in private life, this project, shot in Poland during the Covid pandemic, was able to see the light of day on the dateLire la suite « « All my friends are dead » , a polish Netflix movie with a little belgian touch »

Belgian Press LaCapitale about Yassine Fadel: From soccer hall to movie theater

Written by Armand Grellier for LaCapitale.be  » Yassine Fadel, un Bruxellois bientôt dans vos salles« . Yassine Fadel has two great passion in his life: his job as actor by also the soccer. In this article, Yassine talks about his love for soccer but also about his career as an actor. He tells us about theLire la suite « Belgian Press LaCapitale about Yassine Fadel: From soccer hall to movie theater »

Retrospective 2020 : Yassine Fadel’s castings

No one has been able to escape the year 2020 and the global Covid19 pandemic which has affected all sectors.Between the first and second confinement, closure of cultural infrastructures, cancellation of filming, the world of cinema has suffered a hard blow, putting many artists on hold.As teleworking is recommended, directors, producers and actors wanted toLire la suite « Retrospective 2020 : Yassine Fadel’s castings »

Morrocan Press about Yassine Fadel:  » I cried the first time I saw « Isola »because it remembered my childhood »

Article written by « Al Thaqafiya » on 27th November 2017 In this article, we have a portrait of Yassine Fadel after the screening of the feature film Isola. Yassine, through an article and a video, speaks in his mother tongue and lets us discover her professional career and his participation in many international projects.

Morroccan Press: Yassine Fadel about Into The Night

Written by Nadia Ouidar for LeMatin.ma on 9th May 2020. Two weeks after its release, the new belgian series Into The Night had been rated in the TOP10 Worldwide. The series is also top one in many countries like Belgium, Germany, Austria, Egypt, Poland, Morrocco, Singapour and Thailand. Yassine Fadel gives us an exclusive interviewLire la suite « Morroccan Press: Yassine Fadel about Into The Night »

Yassine Fadel for the Belgian Press: « The best way to react for an artist, is through his art »

Article written in Lalibre.be by Thibault Van de Werve on 19th December 2019. For Yassine Fadel, it was « essential to react in the current context. The horrors that are chasing us right now leave us, for the most part, speechless. The best way to react for an artist is through his art. «  The shortLire la suite « Yassine Fadel for the Belgian Press: « The best way to react for an artist, is through his art » »